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gramophone record中文是什么意思

用"gramophone record"造句"gramophone record"怎么读"gramophone record" in a sentence


  • 唱片,唱碟
  • 黑唱片
  • 黑胶唱片


  • Films , gramophone records and magnetic tapes will provide them with a bewildering amount of information .
  • Gramophone records warp in very hot weather
  • Took a gramophone record ! without what thing
  • Gramophone records warp in very hot weather
  • He must have hit the jackpot with the sales of his last gramophone record
  • Films , gramophone records , and magnetic tapes will provide them with a bewildering amount of information
  • Video compact discs , video cassettes , digital versatile discs , video cassettes betacam , digital video tapes , gramophone records , compact discs , audio cassettes , digital audio tapes , cd - roms , multimedia kits , books , handbills , periodicals , stills , portraits , film programmes , posters , song music scores , scripts , etc
  • Video compact discs ( vcd ) , video cassettes ( vhs ) , digital versatile discs ( dvd ) , video cassettes ( betacam ) , digital video tapes , gramophone records , compact discs , audio cassettes , digital audio tapes , cd - roms , multimedia kits , books , handbills , periodicals , stills , portraits , film programmes , posters , songmusic scores , scripts , etc
    、录影带( betacam ) 、数码录影带、唱片、镭射唱片、录音带、数码录音带、电脑光碟、多媒体资料、书籍、宣传单张、期刊、剧照、人物照、电影特刊、海报、歌曲谱、剧本、杂项藏品等等
用"gramophone record"造句  


A gramophone record, commonly known as a phonograph record (in American English), vinyl record (in reference to vinyl, the material most commonly used after about 1950), or colloquially, "a record", is an analog sound storage medium consisting of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove. The groove usually starts near the periphery and ends near the center of the disc.
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